Saturday, September 24, 2011


Saw Moneyball this afternoon and I have a couple of observations. 

Endearing...I wouldn't have believed it but Jonah Hill playing Peter Brand was endearing and touching in many scenes playing opposite Brad that even possible?  It is...I saw it.  

Brad Pitt.  I doubt if this movie would've gotten the box office it's getting without him.  But while watching the movie it occurred to me that Brad didn't distract from the movie.  His performance seemed sensitive and considerate to the man he was playing.  I was pulled into the movie and at times actually forgot I was watching Brad Pitt.  That is saying something.  

One other thing.  I'm not a baseball fan.  I don't cheer for a team and could only tell you the names of maybe 5 of the teams in Major League Baseball....maybe.  So when I found myself actually having an emotional reaction to the A's bid for an all time made me realize just how emotional a sport baseball is.  I'm sure you could say that about any sport.  Even golf I guess.  Not sure how but I guess.  

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Debt

I just saw The Debt this afternoon.  I was totally engrossed with it, very well made.  A couple of people that I saw it with mentioned afterward that the actors playing the young David and Stefan characters didn't match up very well with the actors playing the present day characters.  I agreed as I was actually wondering if they were new characters and I was trying to figure out who they were at first.  The other thing that struck me was glaring to me but my movie pals didn't notice it.  The young Rachel, played by Jessica Chastain, has a cleft in her chin.  Helen Mirren does not.